Tuesday, June 18, 2013

T Minus 90

It's 2 am. I have 1.5 hours until I have to get up. Everybody else is asleep in my strangely cold house. I can't sleep. You see, I've been tasked with waking people up at 3:30 and my internal clock is set to get up at 5 am. (Thanks to the stupid cats,  but that's another story.) So instead of falling asleep and trusting my alarm to go off, I am sitting on the floor of my bathroom (the only empty space in my house) writing in this blog. I tried watching TV and reading a book,  and now I am just looking for a way to pass time until our flight. Well, there goes 15 minutes.

In 12 hours I'll be in Aruba. If I make that far. I imagine I'll fall asleep in the airport terminal and my family will board the plane without me. With so much carry on luggage and snack food to remember, how can I expect them to remember me? Note to self, don't give them their boarding passes, that way they will have to wake me up to get on the plane. Another note to self, remember your sunglasses.

5 more minutes. Man, time moves slowly at this hour. I'm wondering what I will do if somebody wakes up and needs to use the bathroom, besides scare the crap out if them, that is.

This is not the first entry I imagined writing and I contemplated not publishing it (that took up a solid minute), but I figured it's more real this way. Pretty pictures and platitudes will fill up the rest of the entries. For now, I'll write about the fun that is insomnia while trying to figure out if the feeling will ever come back to my butt.

Before I go, ever wonder how people can sleep in a bathtub? This had got to be the most uncomfortable room in the house. The only joy at this moment is the lack of air conditioning since there is no vent in here. That and the solitude. I'm beginning to understand why men retreat to the bathroom. I think I am also beginning to understand the padded toilet seat. I may just have to get one of those.

50 minutes to go. Think I could successfully climb out of my bathroom window? It's rather small and high. Not probable but certainly possible. See, it's like dreaming - sitting here on the bathroom floor imagining possibilities. At least the sink doesn't leak. (That one's for Scott who spent a week listening to me complain about my leaking sink, and yes, I am certain it doesn't leak, I just felt the p-trap.)

See you in Aruba. I'll be the one sleeping.

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